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8 Ways Being a Stay at Home Mom Turns You Into a Crazy Person


Being a stay at home mom comes with plenty of wonderful perks and craziness. You get to spend more time with your loved ones, run a flexible schedule and don’t have annoying coworkers talking about their stupid kale salad. But just like most things in life, there are downsides that come along with this cuddly gig.  Downsides that turn you into a crazy person!

Here are:

8 Ways Being a Stay at Home Mom Turns You Into a Crazy Person


Crazy Baby Talk, Anyone?


Being a stay at home mom means most of your communication with other humans relies solely on your little ones.  Yes, interaction with your kids is very precious, but having it be the ONLY interaction you have ..ehhhh get ready to go cuckoo!!! You can only say don’t stick that in your mouth, don’t touch that, don’t eat that, so many times without actually feeling like you are the definition of insanity.

Going Crazy Always Cleaning

Being a SAHM means cleaning, a lot! Face it, your little munchkins are little monsters. It doesn’t matter if you have 1 or 4, they leave a mess anywhere their cute butt touches.  You spend half the day cleaning one side of the house to see your son dragged cheerios on the other side. To where you then step on them and drag it to the clean side of the house!  You feel like you are in a never-ending mess inside a black hole.

Stay at Home Mom Cabin Fever


As a SAHM you go on walks and take trips to the store for some dino nuggets, but 99 percent of the time you are stuck at home. Handling little ones is so much easier to do with their toys, their bed, and your glass of wine nearby. Cabin fever eventually kicks in and before you know it you start suspecting your overly good looking neighbors are Russian spies!

The Never-Ending Shift

♪ Work work work work ♪, no I am not singing the Rihanna song for fun. It is a mother’s anthem! It doesn’t matter if it is 2am or 2pm, you are up and on the job.  Have a cold? sprained ankle? hangover? a toothache? Who cares!! You are a momma and a superhero which means no breaks. Which means no timeouts. You are the human example of the energizer bunny except you run on 3 pots of coffee and grannie panties instead of aa batteries.

You Look Like a Crazy Person

Is that chocolate or poop on your shirt? Did you wash your hair this week? Are you still wearing your PJs from the night before? When you do not technically have to appear in public there is no need to put your effort into looking like you do. The combination of running around, kids, errands and lack of sleep makes you look like one sexy beast… And what I mean by a sexy beast is a crazy person!!!

Talking to Yourself Like a Crazy Person

When you are home all day it is not just your kids you talk to but that other person you hear the name of all day long, MOMMYYY! Your baby can’t help you find your keys or tell you if you remembered to take the laundry out of the dryer. It is all you! “Crap where did mommy leave her jacket. Mommy needs to lay on the couch, Mommy needs to rest, Mommy needs”….. You know you have officially lost it when you talk out loud to yourself in the third person!

Bored As Heck Like A Crazy Person

As a Stay at home mom, there is only so much you can do to keep yourself entertained when you are stuck at home.  It is the same routine day after day giving the term bored a whole new meaning.  On your downtime, you start organizing weird things and order delivery just to chat with the delivery driver!

 Stay At Home Moms Juggle Too Much

Within a span of 10 minutes, you have to feed your kids, answer emails, and mop the kitchen floor.  Being a wife, a mother, even a freakin good samaritan takes energy. Without recognition, appreciation and some time off even Martha Stewart would lose her marbles.

Well there you go, reasons why being a stay at home makes you a crazy person!

What did I miss? Let me know what makes you feel like a crazy person!

<3 Hot Mess

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