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9 Ways to Make an Australian Man Fall in Love With You

So you are trying to make an Australian man fall in love with you, aye? I do not blame you, they are a pretty awesome group of men.  Good looks, fun banter and those sexy accents don’t hurt too much either.

Here are 9 ways to make an Australian man fall in love with you.


Aussie men love their sports.  Find out what team the man you are after roots for and get to work!  Learn all about the sport in every way, understand the team, the players.. the scandals anything and everything you can to make an engaging conversation.   Impress him with your sports knowledge and he will totally overlook the fact you have a cat as your phone screen saver.

Hit The Waves

Show your Aussie man that you love the waves and schedule a morning session with him. Do not annoy him while surfing with stupid convo, just chill with him waiting for the right wave.  Connecting with him while in the ocean gives you sooo many kudos.

Hold Your Liquor

Aussie men can drink. Ohh man can they drink. The odds of alcohol being involved in your romantic night out are very likely. Pace and manage and he will feel good about all future adventures. In other words,  do not get white girl wasted, Karen.

Strut Your Stuff

Australian men like hot girls… well, I think that goes for all men, really. Do your hair, dress sexy and give him something he can show off to his mates.

Selfie Time

As much as this might come as a shock, Aussie guys do not really like when girls spend half their day taking selfies. Do not spend 10 minutes in the bathroom taking pictures because it has good lighting. Keep your selfie use limited when around your Aussie hunk. Suppress those selfie urges girlfriend.


Aussie guys love that you love the way they look. Compliments won’t go too far with them as they are a bit on the self-absorbed side, but not complimenting them would be a devasting hit to their ego.  So stroke that ego and tell them how much that man bun is so soooooo sexy.

Live Events

Go to sporting events with him. I mentioned knowing about their team, but being at the event with them up close where you can smell the body odor of the players and your shirt is covered in spilled beer from the row behind you. That.. that my friends is when he will fall in love.


Check Please!

Not too many Australian men these days are all about paying for a girl, especially when dates are on the pricey side. Split the bill no matter what. Show him you can hold your own without a man supporting. I am guessing, he won’t fall in love with someone that contributes to putting him into more debt.


Australian guys like girls with confidence. They want to fall in love with a girl that proudly eats her meat pie face deep in a crowded pub. Not a girl hiding in the corner hoarding sausage rolls in her purse.

When it comes to making an Australian man fall in love with you keep these tips in mind. But more importantly, just be yourself and go after what you want!

<3 Hot Mess

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